elixir podcast

Earthbird with Kristy Gungler

Season 5 Episode 4

Kristy Gungler is a seeker, teacher and connector. She is a mama, wife, daughter, sister and friend. She holds certifications in Ayurvedic Health Counseling, Forest Therapy, yoga + clinical aromatherapy. She has a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and an associates degree in Veterinary Technology. Kristy is a nature-worshiper whose deep desire and calling is to re-connect humans to nature for the betterment of themselves, their communities, and our beautiful planet, Earth. Through her Earth Bird Wholebeing practice, she offers Ayurvedic Health counseling, guided Forest Therapy walks, seasonal online workshops + courses, teaches a weekly yoga class and is a small-batch distiller of aromatic and therapeutic hydrosols. 

Connect with Kristy

Journal Prompt
Find a tree to spend time with this year. Bring your journal there and tune in. Write about whatever comes up. Maybe even write a letter to the tree and read it out loud. Allow your inner child to participate.

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Interested in taking the next yoga teacher training or working with me as your Ayurveda Health Counselor? Check out the Madre & The Muse website.

deep gratitude to Jared Sales + ALLIN. for the intro/outro music

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