elixir podcast

High Vibes with Lauren Burke

Season 5 Episode 5

Lauren Burke, of PowerHouseHappy and The High Vibe Collective, believes we are all born with Magic and a Mission.  Through gratitude and choice, we are able to connect to our magic (over and over again), get clear on our mission, and move faithfully, courageously, and joyfully into action.  

Lauren's mission is to hold space and collaborate in creating experiences that allow people to practice stepping into their innate power, connect to their unique magic, get clear on their mission and move into full-hearted, soul-filling, glitter-giving action.  

To remind people that in fact YOU MATTER.  

As Glinda, the Good Witch (who also happens to be one of her style icons) says, “You’ve had the power all along my dear.  You just had to learn it for yourself.” 

Connect with Lauren
Powerhouse Happy
The High Vibe Collective

Journal Prompt
Lauren talks about "Being in the Bubbling". Which areas of your life are you allowing yourself to sit with it and being open to surprise? 

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deep gratitude to Jared Sales + ALLIN. for the intro/outro music

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