elixir podcast

Wisdom of Wellbeing with Claire Ragozzino

Season 5 Episode 12

Claire Ragozzino is a certified yoga instructor and Ayurvedic practitioner with a background in nutrition and natural cooking. Her work is dedicated to bringing yoga, Ayurveda, and nutrition to a modern lifestyle. She is the author of the popular site, Vidya Living, and also writes and photographs for online and print publications surrounding topics of food, culture, and our relationship to nature. Her first book, Living Ayurveda, offers a comprehensive Ayurvedic cookbook and lifestyle guide. Claire works with clients around the globe, specializing her work in women's health, and leads immersive workshops and retreats.

Connect with Claire
Vidya Living

CSA Directory https://www.ams.usda.gov/local-food-directories/csas

“Eat Weeds” book https://www.diegobonetto.com/eatweeds-buy-book 

Pasta Grannies https://www.instagram.com/pastagrannies/ 

Tea Horse Road https://www.herbalgram.org/resources/herbalgram/issues/94/table-of-contents/bkrvw_teahorseroad/ 

Journal Prompt
What is your first memory or experience with cooking? How has this experience shaped or shifted how you feel about cooking today?  

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Interested in taking the next yoga teacher training or working with me as your Ayurveda Health Counselor? Check out the Madre & The Muse website.

deep gratitude to Jared Sales + ALLIN. for the intro/outro music

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