elixir podcast

A Language of Lemons with Stephanie Vlad

Season 6 Episode 1

Stephanie Vlad is a Master’s level Psychologist by trade and human empowerer by birth. She has 15+ years of experience in the talk therapy realm, working in community, nonprofit, and private settings, and has been in solo private practice since 2017. Understanding that we are whole beings with mind + body + soul, she felt that her therapy practice was missing a huge part of the big picture and took another leap into opening an embodiment studio to reach more people through movement offerings. Her mission with the Embodiment Studio is to help people come home to themselves.

Her belief is that we are born with all that we need inside of us and require a little reminding that it is safe to listen and trust that inner knowing. She strives to help her clients work through their struggles, connect to what is important to them and create a life that brings fulfillment. 

She has been told that she is a direct, at times, forceful nurturer, which stems from her ability to see your greatest potential and to take up space in your brain as your inner cheerleader. She talks loudly, most often with her hands and big facial expressions, and does not shy away from showing you that she too is an authentic human who feels deeply.

Connect with Stephanie

Journal Prompt
What are the lemons in your life that have been turned into lemonade? What are the lemons that are still lemons?

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deep gratitude to Jared Sales + ALLIN. for the intro/outro music

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