elixir podcast
elixir podcast
Ecstatic Vision with Kayla Coyne
Kayla Coyne, Sergeant of the United States Marine Corps, voices her experience in the
transition process from military structure back to living a civilian lifestyle. Through the dynamic interplay of movement, deliberate body synchronization with the breath, and the expressive art of dance, she embarked on a journey to redefine her purpose. Since 2014, her new mission is to help others in continuous self-discovery and playful reinvention.
Now serving as a local yoga instructor and host of various music/dance events, Kayla promotes joy, creativity, and empowerment through inner strength. Whether on the mat or in modern day living, Kayla holds a deep belief in noticing the spirt within, the power of presence and the importance of cultivating stillness amidst chaos.
Connect with Kayla
Journal Prompt:
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.” — Carl Jung
Reflecting on this quote, what are the dreams you see on the outside? What do you see on the inside? What is your vision for your life?
Thanks for listening.
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deep gratitude to Jared Sales + ALLIN. for the intro/outro music