elixir podcast

The Love Language of Plants with Sydney Kale

Season 7 Episode 9

Sydney Kale is a student, author of The Love Language of Plants, and human in love with the world. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Wisdom Studies from Ubiquity University, with an academic focus on plant intelligence, phenomenology, and co-authorship with plants and the more-than-human. In 2021, Sydney completed an M.S. in Environmental Studies and Sustainability from Unity College. And in 2023, she completed an M.A. in Movement, Mind, and Ecology from Schumacher College. Through her academic studies and personal explorations, Sydney has been introduced to an enchanted world of relationality, kinship, and care.

Through practices of co-authorship with the more-than-human world, guided by collaborative becoming, connection, and attunement, Sydney relearned what it means to exist in the world and to be a part of an entangled ecology of communion. Plants have taught her what it means to be plant, and what it means to be human. Her academic writing and creative explorations are an expression of the relationships she shares with plants and her experience as a sensuous embodied human being.

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My Current Offerings:
Inlighten Retreat, Panama

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deep gratitude to Jared Sales + ALLIN. for the intro/outro music

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